CrowdSigns featured on 3TwentySix
Posted: Sep 14 2016
Written by 3twentysix
Today I'm sharing a recap on my Instagram for your Brand workshop held on February 20th! I want to thank Alicia for hosting my workshop at her beautiful place, the Thinking Girls Boutique. And all the ladies that showed up to support me and learn fun tips to help their brand! :D
I've been to a lot of workshops and networking events and I typically don't leave with a lot of learned information. Nothing against the folks that teach these because since I started working with HLB, I've learned that it takes a lot of time, energy and patience to get these events together. It's just mostly me agreeing with what is said because I've already tried it or I know about it. So when I was teaching the ladies things that I feel were important to know, my intentions were for them to learn at least one new thing. Boy was I surprised when I heard them say things like "OMG, I had no clue" or "Wow, it's that easy?" What was even better was hearing them say how much they enjoyed the class and how they hope I teach another one so they can tell their friends.
This was my first workshop and saying I was nervous or scared doesn't even cut it. Especially since the place I made my copies at messed up my prints and because of it I was running late to my own class :| Some of the ladies were running late so that helped calm my nerves a bit.
I loved how well we all interacted with each other and how some ladies spoke on what works for them in a specific situation. It not only helped me learn more of what these ladies were doing with their brands but also get an idea of more things to put in my next class. Yes, I will for sure have another workshop I'll make sure to share that info once it's set in stone.
I want to thank (affiliate) for the lovely Instagram frame prop they made for me. My procrastination got the best of me and I was worried that it wouldn't arrive in time but they totally made sure I'd have it before my class. By the way, the buying process was soooo easy! You pick your sign, add the wording and pay. Super duper easy! The hardest part for me was figuring out what caption I wanted.
Also, thanks to Sharon for hooking the class up with the spectacular fruit plate you see at the top of this post made by Yumi's Decorations. Yumi has some amazing and creative skills!
Lastly, I want to thank two ladies from my #LatinaTribe (Connie & Jihane) for not only showing up at my class, but for supporting me and pushing me to make this happen. You two motivate the hell out of me and I'm forever grateful for y'all's friendship!!
Check out some more pictures after the jump and for more pictures from this workshop -> visit theFlickr album. All photo credit goes to the lovely Momma of Dos.
Thanks for reading!
Stay tuned for my next workshop!
Source: 3twentysix
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